STI Quality Award for Acterra
The Manufacturing Division of the Acterra Group has received the Silver Quality award from the Steel Tank Institute. The award represents 4 consecutive years with no QC non-compliance tags.
STI’s Quality Control Program
Quality control is a crucial aspect of all manufacturing processes. Member fabricators of the Steel Tank Institute’s licensed tank technologies are subject to periodic, unannounced inspections by a team of STI Quality Control Inspectors. These inspectors conduct a rigorous investigation of the manufacturing function at tank fabricator facilities, to ensure that companies are complying with the standards and specifications for manufacture of each licensed STI tank technology.
During the inspection, inspectors also verify that tank construction meets applicable Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and UL Canada (ULC) standards, including UL 58, UL 1746, UL 142, UL 80, UL 2085, and equivalent ULC and international standards. For tanks listed under Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) standards, inspectors provide separate reports to SwRI.
Each year, Quality Award Recipients are chosen based on complete compliance ratings for our random QC inspections. A banner is presented to recipient companies who have achieved three years or more with no quality inspection non-compliance points, to remind employees of their high skill level and encourage continued excellence. Fabricators are required to produce a minimum number of fabricated units to qualify as a Quality Award recipient in these categories.
STI’s Quality Control Program also requires that each member fabricator making STI tanks send at least one representative to our biennial Quality Control Meeting. The gathering was recently held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.