Acterra Home

Total Energy Services

Since 1958, Acterra Group has provided equipment, manufacturing, consulting, and specialized construction services to the fuel, chemical, renewable energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and fleet industries, as well as government applications. Our corporate office is located in Marion, Iowa, however, we maintain offices throughout the Midwest and Denver, Colorado, and serve a diverse range of clients across the United States.

With more than 60 years in the industry, Acterra has evolved from a gas station equipment and service enterprise to a multi-faceted organization with exceptional sales, service and installation capabilities.

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We are a full-service distributor, installer and constructor of petroleum equipment systems carrying all major lines of petroleum and oil-related equipment.

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Electrical Services

We provide complete electrical services for industrial, residential and commercial use. Acterra Group is licensed and equipped to manage commercial building electrical requirements at every level.

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Federal Services

Acterra provides construction and repair & maintenance for a variety of government fueling installations.

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Tank & Silo

Our Manufacturing Division fabricates custom stainless steel and carbon storage tanks, feed silos and hoppers for above-ground and underground applications.

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Latest from the Blog

Here we’ll share important company updates, news and articles to help you plan and execute new projects. We’ll cover the biggest mistakes that delay timelines and impact your budget, and share our expert advice on how to work with contractors, when to schedule maintenance, how to approach system upgrades and more.

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